Vacation house for sale
Padre Burgos, Calabarzon
23 interests from India, Australia, Singapore, etc.
Property Details
Vacation House – Padre Burgos, Quezon
2.7M (negotiable)
Total Lot Area 200 sqm Floor Area 95 sqm (Bungalow House)
Tax Dec (updated Amilyar)
3 Bedrooms, 2 Toilet & Bath
Spacious Living room, Dining & Kitchen with Bar
Dirty Kitchen
2 Car Garage
The location of this vacation house is in the heart of the town of Padre Burgos, Province of Quezon. It also has amazing overlooking beach view with rock formations and a few steps in the beaches such as Tamarind Tree Resort, Dampalitan and the famous BORAWAN beach!!! In addition, the property is located beside the Padre Burgos, Municipal hall, church, market and business establishments