Three Stone 20 Folding Bike Japan Surplus
Valenzuela, Metro Manila, Philippines
4 interests from United States, China, Latvia, etc.
Product Details
20/20 Tire Size
High Tensile Steel Frame
6 Speed Shimano Revoshift
Shimano SIS Index Equipped
Shimano Tourney
2 Folds
With Steel Basket
Alloy Rim
All Original Japan Parts
-Pedals are included
-Pick Ups are highly appreciated, more bikes to see in shop
-Meet up 7/11 McArthur Hi-way Del Monte Malabon or People's Park Valenzuela ONLY.
-With Delivery Fee depends on the distance. COD and ready to use upon arrival
-Payment Method: Gcash, Bank Transfer (Security Bank) or Cash.
-First to pay basis! Down payment is a must for reservation to avoid any cancellation